Monday, October 26, 2009

Best. Youtube. Ever.

Pete says this should be retitled "Alana sings 5 octaves on the piano". Sorry Almeister. But it's hilarious and you know it's true!
I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Waaaait on! Hold up cowboys! I only just saw THIS little entertaining piece! I was like, "hmmm, I wonder why the title (of the post above) is 'are we forgiven'... hmmmn, oh well". Now it all makes sense! You know my voice can make angels weap, it's simply not meant for this world... (*sigh*). You had better watch out Pete, or else I will put a curse on you when I marry you. Or else I will insist on singing at your wedding. YOU decide what's worse! (*tear trickles down face*...)


Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!