Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fat Soluble Vitamins, Major and Trace Minerals, Amino Acids...

Today is a study day and my mind is overflowing trying to process everything. So break time!

I actually really wanted to go to the Victorian Boston Terriers Association Dog Show today - they are absolutely my favourite breed and I adore them! But all my alleged "friends" refused point blank to go on another harebrained adventure with me, so in lieu of going alone I decided I should really take a gander at the last 14 weeks of lecture notes that need to be memorised. Oh joyous occasion.

I have been collecting a strange variety of images on my camera over the last few weeks, here are a couple to give you the last month or so in pictures:

Spring in the cactus garden - each day more joy bloomed!

And I discovered a serious aphid problem amongst the bulbs - what do aphids even do? My freesias seem fine? They were all just sitting on this on-the-way-out tulip?

My latest favourite necklace combo:

Mum came to visit and off we went to Collingwood Children's Farm. There were baby goats! Bliss! Mum was soon spotted as an easy target with a bag of food...

Well, back to the books I suppose. Come to think of it though, I'm hungry and I definitely need a shower, and well, maybe I'll even alphabetise the CDs again...

1 comment:

  1. wow your mum is really gorgeous isn't she !!!! anon


Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!