Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Retro Corner

Our apartment seems to be recessing through time starting in the back corner and spreading forward. There seems to be a lot of dark wood and orange featuring at the moment, and my latest impulse lust have Telegram map hasn't helped!

I do like how the corner has history though - the lamp came from a particularly dodgy little junk store in Collingwood in which the proprietor also sold Chopper's collection of paintings.

The cabinet was found for $20 underneath a pile of pallets at a going out of business sale, brought home, sanded and varnished as a place to store all my fabric stash.

I'll never make it to the Melbourne Cup BBQ today if I even begin on the couch's long and hilarious story.

The stunning white vase from Dinosaur Designs was an engagement gift from our dear friends in Sydney.

The tikis were purchased at the Pagan Pleasures tiki exhibition night held recently at Outre Gallery - the HTB has a thing for Tiki Chic.

And the wooden Hawaiian sailor? Well, that's what happens when the HTB heads unattended to the Op Shop with $2 in his pocket. Revolting.

Edit: Loving my timing here, there must have been some forces at work! After posting this I went and checked Pip's blog and realised that this post fits perfectly with the latest "my place and yours" - Blog HQ! I blog from the comfort of my big orange velvet couch and now here it is for all to see!


  1. Oh you have some Tikis from Outre! Yay! I am completely in love with that huge orange hug that you call a couch! If I sat there I would never get up. I would be a total goner. I love your HQ!!!! Thanks for joining in! xx

  2. Haha, I don't mind the sailor too much. My man has a couple of very ugly things that are so bad, they are nearly cool. Looks like a great space in which to blog.

  3. I like the sailor man! It would go well with my little collection of dolls from you and Nat haha. Kat


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