Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A brother for Wade Walker and Betty?

I didn't think it possible, but Electra has brought out a bike even more impractical than the two I currently own and love. Pretty frickin sweet though, aaii?!

I love you Wade Walker and I love you Betty, no matter what the 'real' cyclists say...

(Am I not the luckiest woman alive to have two such hip bikes! Betty has flames. And leopard print. And only three gears and backpedal brakes, which is why I need Wade Walker too. I've added a front AND rear basket. Now he weighs about 20kg - not exaggerating. But hey, the compliment value on both almost outweighs the pain of getting up Studley Park Road on these beasts. Both pressies from my hunny bunny. What a doll.)

1 comment:

Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!