Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do you ever freak out a little...

And wonder if you are whiling away your young years wishing you were older and wiser and not so full of mistakes and indecisions and the wrong words at the wrong times? But then wonder if you will be drinking a cup of coffee in 50 years time, reminiscing with a smile about being young and clumsy and dreadful?

And then you wake up and it's September and the year you proclaimed "Divine 09" is nearly over?

On my birthday last year I made a little promise that I would stop saying "I'll start being healthy tomorrow", or "starting at midnight I will be fabulous always" or "on Monday morning I will be tres cool from now on". I made a little promise that I would always be me and just try to be the best me possible and start everything I wanted to do straight away. Otherwise I think I will spend my whole life waiting to be fabulous, and realise only too late that this life is fabulous and it's the only one we've got, and it's passing me by!

It seems to be working ok for me - I was able to clear my head enough to decide to go back to uni and am so passionate about becoming a naturopath, and my beautiful Pete proposed after nearly 9 years together. I've made big inroads on the journey to becoming chemical free in our lives and I was diagnosed with PCOS which was a relief in some ways as it cleared up a lot of mysteries, but has also been a source of immense frustration as I know it is going to be a long, slow journey ahead to wellness and balance. All in all, I think I uncovered my mojo again after it's spent a few years in hibernation. It's not fully awake yet and definitely needs a couple of strong coffees, but we are getting there!

It's funny, I am in the process of growing out my old hair colour (I actually have virgin hair! About 7cm of roots of it! I don't think I've seen my natural colour since I was about 11 and discovered Napro Live Colour in Mulberry!) and it's become quite therapeutic for me. Every time I get cranky about how it's taking so long for my body to respond to something I just look at my hair and realise that regeneration is a slow process, so might as well have fun and have a cocktail with your girls while you wait.

Piccie from a super sweet blog - Farfallina's Flying


  1. lovely post. here's to your mojo being completely awake any time soon. and well done on growing out your hair colour, i remember napro live - mulberry! this gave a giggle down memory lane - thanks x

  2. Hi Bexy! Thanks so much for visiting and complimenting my blog! :)

  3. Hey Bexy!

    I found your blog today and have been reading through it. I just felt a need to comment, especially, on this post as I know how frustrating it can be to live with PCOS. It made me smile to read your lines as I wish I would be as brave as you are about it. It hasn't been long since I was diagnosed(well months) and I'm still overwhelmed by it. Umm, a bit of a weird comment, but yeah.
    Take care!


Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!