Monday, September 14, 2009

Tulips and Toddlers

On the weekend I made some totally CUTE little pants for my friend's new bubba, Lucas. A TINY pair of puffy knickers and a little pair of yoga pants for when he's a slightly bigger boy. They are TO. DIE. FOR. So cute! And quick to make! Whipped up in like 1 hour each. Both are made from an old flannie sheet I found in an opshop using patterns from Pip's awesome book. They were so cute I got tears in my eyes. Love them!

And then some pretty purple tulips picked up on an early Saturday morning coffee beans, juice and milk run to Leos.

1 comment:

  1. clever you. those little cloudy pants and knickers are adorable. im sure they will be much loved. such a thoughtful gift x


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