Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 Interesting Strangers from the last 24 hours

Interesting Stranger 1, on the tram last night: a teenage boy with bad skin and red roses that were already really open. They probably won't last too much longer. I wonder if they are his girlfriend's first flowers? I wonder if she will keep one and press it between the pages of her favourite book?

Interesting Stranger 2, on the same tram: an early-30s trendy skater kinda guy with kind eyes and a bunch of beautiful orange tulips. I can picture him heading home to his shabby chic townhouse and graphic designer wife to surprise her with her favourite flowers. For no reason, just because they would make her smile.

Interesting Stranger 3, outside the market today: a burly cop having a kransky for lunch with a mate. He had a tear in his eye and as I walked past I heard "she can't keep f***ing treating me like this". I hope he works everything out with her.

Interesting Stranger 4, in the dodgy bit of the market: a tall and lanky guy in a trenchcoat trying on a black top hat at a leather stall. He was peering sideways to try and see his profile in the mirror. I hope he bought it, surprisingly he was actually pulling it off quite well!

Interesting Stranger 5, on the street heading back to the office: the nice guy from the post office out on his lunch break. I smiled at him because he seemed familiar but I couldn't place him (and because I'm nice/crazy and smile at most people I make eye contact with). Then I saw the logo on his jumper and it clicked. I think he recognised me though.

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Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!