Thursday, July 16, 2009

I heart big hair!

I don't usually wear my hair out and free and easy, unless I'm actually 'doing' my hair for a special event. The reason I don't wear my hair out is that somehow, magically, no matter how it looks when I start, it ends up winding itself up into mattes and dreadlocks underneath, losing all lustre and going flat, limp and oily on top, and in between is just all flyaways. Ewwwww.
My dear sister tells me this is because I don't have normal hair like a normal person - rather my hair is all soft and fine and fluffy, "like a sheep!" she gleefully declares. So witness my surprise (please see above for my "wow my hair is huge today!" surprised face, that's really how I looked!) when I awoke this morning to find big, bouncy and beautiful bed hair. As it is only once in a blue moon that my hair decides to go wild and have a party on my scalp to which everyone is invited, I couldn't possibly pin it up. So today I am rockin' some serious party hair. Fierce.

Things to do:
-investigate where the phrase "once in a blue moon" came from - I know I've heard the story before...
-improve my pathetic self-portraiture photography skills
-make this awesomely easy and cute peasant top! Sick! I have a feeling $2 op shop men's shirts refashioned into this little gem will sustain me throughout the next few years as a poverty stricken student, yes I think they will. And it's a new blog to add to my reading list. Giggedy Giggedy.

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