Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cranky Pants

It's cold tonight. And rainy. And there is something strange in the air, not sure what it is though. Maybe the stars are doing something funny tonight? I am home alone, here is what I have been up to!

1. I resisted the urge to raid the fresh loaf of banana bread and the two bags of lollies I
bought from the market today for the husband-to-be's "kid's birthday party" themed morning tea tomorrow. You know, I'm not even going to go there - cool? The banana bread looks great though, very c1995 stopping at Brumbies Metropol after school.

2. I made a feta, zucchini and red capsicum frittata for dinner - yum yum yum.

3. I watched the news and got angry about a new report that allegedly shows that there is no difference in the nutritional value of organic and non-organic food. GRRRRR! I need to find a copy of this report online and take a look to get a better understanding. Nothing is that black and white! My first question is this – at what time did they make this comparison between produce? Did they pick 2 tomatoes straight from the vine and compare them immediately? I would be very very surprised to hear that they had the same nutritional value, but I could ultimately believe it if the science was good. But if they are trying to convince us that if I walked into a supermarket and picked up a tomato from under the revolting bright lights and cut it open and it was white and foamy inside and was picked 6 months ago and had been ripened with chemicals in a fridge, and then compared that to a tomato from a local farmer who was selling at the local farmer’s market his fresh and seasonal produce then no fucking way do I believe it. And that’s the reality of supermarket vegetables! I can’t believe that kind of detail is not included in the media? And don’t even get me started on the energy and life force present in organic food, not to even mention the environmental, animal welfare and countless other aspects too. GRRR!

Deep breath Bexy.

4. I made a cup of hot chocolate. I stood on the verandah and listened to the rain. I tried to keep my socks dry out there. I felt a little better.

5. I had planned on playing with my new sewing machine tonight, but after my cranky spell, I am no longer in the mood. Instead I'm going to curl up, watch a DVD and sew some buttons on my almost finished dress. And then I will have a new dress! Hurrah!

Deary me, I'm very moody lately, don't you think?

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Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!