Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Wow. Just a lightning quick note as I have just got home from school and need to have a shower and rest my weary head, but wow, I would not have been able to sleep without venting a little of it here.

Semester 2 started today, and I am doing a subject that looks at the history and philosophy of complementary medicine. Tonight we touched on the concept of 'vitality' (Qi or Prana in other cultures) and how we are all born with different amounts of vitality and need to make the most of the vitality that we have in order to live a balanced life. I had very low vitality today (but very high vitality on Saturday night - just ask the poor suckers who I made sit through the entire Treasure Trolls jingle from the 90s!) A toddler chucking a massive tantie in the supermarket or choking with laughter playing aeroplanes with a parent is displaying seriously large amounts of vitality! Old people in the last few years of their life often seem to be wearing out the last of their vitality. It is present in some form in all cultures. Sometimes as naturopaths it is more important for us to ensure our clients have enough vitality to treat their own imbalances before we try and get their body healing anything else. Makes sense, doesn't it.

We also started to look at different concepts of 'getting better'. Like - it is pretty much accepted now that asthma and eczema are connected, that they are different forms of the same inflammation. One theory is that in the process of regaining balance, disease should move outwards, away from your centre. So if you have been suffering from asthma, and then that starts to abate but you are breaking out in eczema like you have never had before, then maybe that is a good thing as your body is purging outwards this inflammation. But if you are treating eczema with a cream which makes the eczema go away but your asthma get worse, then that is not so good as you are pushing the inflammation further internally. Fascinating, huh?

Wow, tonight was only class one and we only just skimmed the surface of many things, but I can tell I am going to love it and it is going to be oh so interesting, and it made me so happy and grateful that I am in a position to go to school and learn all this exciting stuff! Yes, that really is so much better, thanks for letting me vent. Now I will be able to sleep much more easy, yes, I definitely will!

(By the way, the gorgeous print is by Kindling who are fabulous and I thought it went oh so nicely with my little post tonight! Sweet dreams!)

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Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!