Sunday, August 9, 2009

Did anyone else know about this?? Homegirls I'm looking at you here...

Daim comes in block form??

We braced ourselves to break my vow of "I'm never setting foot in IKEA again" yesterday to compare rug prices after I was seriously tempted to buy a $700 rug in an ex-showroom furniture warehouse spotted on Friday. It was reduced TO $700, not FROM $700. Extreme.

But, the point, hello! A king size block of Daim, people?? I ate the entire block to be sure, but I'm fairly certain the Daim bars are better, the chocolate to caramel brittle ratio is better in those little bags and blocks.

Still pretty tasty though. Definitely.

1 comment:

  1. WTF!!??? Whole blocks of Daim BARS!!?? Even those little "bite size" pieces (the bite size of a mouse maybe) are not equal to proper old school Daim bars (sadly, not to be found in this modern age).
    Unrelated Comment 1: You are lucky your beloved Ricky "Pont-o-mime" pulled a victory out of the hat for Oz in current Test (does this deserve capitals?), otherwise I would have to heap shiz on you.
    Unrelated Comment 2: Really sorry to hear about no-go balloon, that sucks!
    Unrelated Comment 3: After a few drinks this arvo decided to buy some old school Alice Cooper on i-tunes. Now realise I can trace every adult neurosis to listening to "Trash" waaaaay too young.
    With love, Alnonymous.


Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!