Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scream, Jennifer, Scream

Yesterday I dropped some books back at the library. They often have a box of old library books they are giving away for free. I guess they are books that no one borrows any more. Usually they are pretty kooky - like Chinese magazines - cause the 'kind of ok' books that no one reads any more get sold for 50c at their monthly book sale.

Yesterday the free box was labelled "teen fiction". I had a little peer and there was a stellar selection of RL Stine books in there! I couldn't not take one for old times sake, the husband-to-be berated me for depriving someone else of a book who might really want it, but I'm going to read it and I really wanted it! I only took one you know! And then I will give it to the local op shop, who will probably think it needs to go back to the library so they will return it, and then the library can give it away again. Circle of Life.

Here's what it says on the back cover:

Scream, Jennifer, Scream - getting into college can be murder...

They knew cheating would be risky. But they never thought it could be deadly.

When Shelli and her friends cheat on their college placement test, they think they have just secured their future. Until Shelli's best friend, Jennifer, threatens to turn them all in. Now they must prevent the truth from being revealed. And they will stop at nothing, even murder... But then their plan backfires.

And they suddenly realize they are the ones in danger!

Ooooh suspense. Can't wait to read it! They also had a SVH book too (that's Sweet Valley High, remember?) but I left that one be.

Post script - Pete wants me to give him major props for making me a really good cup of chai this morning (complete with cinnamon sprinkled on top) and also for sitting next to me sewing the buttons back on the couch while I tippy tappy typy away on my blog. So everyone, props to Pete. What a fine man.

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