Saturday, August 1, 2009

My tax is bad, it's bad, you know it...

Let me preface this by saying - this morning I did my tax while watching MJ on Rage, so at least I've accomplished something ok? Though MJ's coolest film clips were much more enjoyable than e-tax 2009 so I just hope I didn't type 'Billie Jean' anywhere I shouldn't have, you know?

I also did the world's most lame-o house cleaning session too. I was just so NOT in the mood for cleaning, and it was making me kinda angry. You know when you're walking around your apartment muttering to yourself and scowling so hard that when you glimpse yourself in a mirror you stop scowling but still have giant lines between your eyebrows? So you spend the next ten minutes frantically trying to smooth them out by dragging your fingers across your eyebrows really hard which feels so good on your temples? And lord knows, I don't need to be anymore angry than I already have been for the last few days. Though I challenge anyone to get to day 40 (that's right, 4-0) of their menstrual cycle without going somewhat insane in the membrane. F'ing PCOS. But hey, I figure, when I do eventually ovulate next then I will be so mad with nesting fever that I will clean enough for the whole month. As long as the nesting fever lasts long enough for me to finish what I started, my poor homegirls were subjected to the results of a hormone surge gone mad for not quite long enough when they visited earlier in the year. Pretty much every possession in the apartment was thrown in the 'mank room' while I decided exactly where it should be artfully placed. But they never got placed. They stayed. Don't open door number 2.

Anyway, I decided what would make me infinitely happier would be smiling lovingly at all the f'ing awesome birthday presents I have received so far. 5 days til my birthday. Giggedy Giggedy. Maybe gloating over my 'stuff' makes me totally consumer focused and a bad person, but there is love in these presents and that makes me happy!

Wide and macro lens for Diana, plus an awesome ring flash from Mumsy and the sisters!

Cute Parisian tidbits from the BFF in Paris. The girl on the book looks like me! Cute! (You may need to squint slightly. See it now? Me!)

A super excellent gift voucher for some incredible fabric from the BFFs in BrisVegas!

The sewing machine I have been dying for from the husband-to-be!

I even got a free movie ticket from Palace in the mail!

Man, I totally love birthdays. Particularly mine.

I think I have that seasonal disorder thing where after a few months of Winter you get really sad. Lucky I saw (and subsequently bought) in EB Games the other day this sick game where you are a spider or a scorpion and are going across the desert and have to fight other deadly creatures on your quest. That definitely sounds like it would make me happy. That and nachos.

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Hello there! I hope you are having a lovely day!